How important do you think the landing page is for a product?

  1. 5 on 10
  2. 7 on 10
  3. 9 on 10

I pick option 3 every time someone asks me this question.

Today I’ll share the top 5 things you need to get right when you start creating a landing page. These are the “must-haves” without which an LP should not be shipped.

A landing page is at the heart of the marketing strategy of a product. Especially if you’re more into “self serve” sales and not 1:1 direct sales.

It explains to the user why they should care about your product.

It allays their fears and builds trust, and it eventually convinces them to take out their credit card and swipe it.

And then you hear that sweet sound of the cash register going cha-ching! 😍


A good landing page is like a never tiring, never sleeping, “never-asking-for-a-raise” sales-rep.

Creating it is one of the highest leverage activities you will do for your marketing. Do it well once and you’ll reap the rewards for a long time.

There are at least 5 elements you need to get right when you start to make the landing page of your product.

  1. Above the Fold
  2. Benefits vs Features
  3. Copywriting frameworks
  4. Social Proof
  5. User Personas